
Decisions made by the NSW Legal Services Commissioner, the Law Society Council and Bar Council are final except that the NSW Legal Services Commissioner may, at their absolute discretion, conduct an internal review of a decision they have made, or a decision made by the Law Society Council or the Bar Council, if they consider it appropriate to do so. Consideration of requests for review may take up to six months.

If you seek that the NSW Legal Services Commissioner review a decision, you must:

  • make a written request to this Office within 30 days from the date of the decision letter
  • clearly identify the part(s) of the decision that you dispute
  • give detailed reasons why you say the decision should be reviewed

Please be aware that the NSW Legal Services Commissioner’s consideration of a request for internal review does not involve re-investigation of a complaint. Broadly, the NSW Legal Services Commissioner may consider whether the:

  • process of handling a complaint was fair
  • conclusions reached were reasonable on the information available
  • decision was adequately explained

Further information is available in the following Guideline - external site issued by the Commissioner for Uniform Legal Services Regulation.

Last updated:

04 Dec 2023

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