Other Complaint Handling Agencies

Banking and financial complaints:  The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) provides free, fair and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints about credit, finance and loans, insurance, banking deposits and payments, investments and financial advice and superannuation.

Corruption in the NSW public sector:  The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) aims to protect the public interest, prevent breaches of public trust and guide the conduct of public officials. The ICAC has the authority to investigate any matter involving public sector corruption in NSW.

Discriminated, sexually harassed, vilified, or victimised: Anti Discrimination NSW investigates and conciliates complaints of discrimination, harassment and vilification.

Energy & Water complaints: Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW provides an independent means of resolving complaints for customers if you have an issue with your electricity, gas or water providers.

Health care providers and services: Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) deals with complaints about health care providers and services. The HCCC is a complaint handling body independent from the Department of Health that investigates and prosecutes complaints against health care providers in NSW.

Human rights complaints: Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) investigates and conciliates discrimination and human rights complaints.

Insurer complaints: Independent Review Office (IRO) deals with complaints by injured persons about an insurer that affects their entitlements, rights or obligations under NSW workers’ compensation legislation or the NSW motor accidents compensation legislation.

Legal Aid NSW: Complaints may be made directly to Legal Aid NSW about a service provided by them or parties engaged on behalf of Legal Aid NSW.

Licensed conveyancers, trades people and business complaintsNSW Fair Trading receives complaints about licensed conveyancers in New South Wales. They also provide information and assistance for consumers, particularly in relation to motor vehicles, home building and renovation, credit, real estate, body corporate, property and tenancy issues, plus cooperative and business name registration.

NSW public authorities: Ombudsman NSW handles complaints about NSW public authorities and officials including government departments, statutory authorities, public servants, police, corrective services and local councils. The Ombudsman also oversees and monitors the investigation of child abuse allegations against employees of certain government and non-government agencies.

Phone and internet complaints: Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) handles complaints about telephone and internet service providers. If a customer is dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint made to their telecommunications provider, they may lodge a complaint with the TIO.

Police: Complaints about the NSW Police Force or the NSW Crime Commission may be made directly to each body. In addition, Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) independently receives complaints about serious misconduct and serious maladministration involving officers, former officers and employees of NSW Police Force and the NSW Crime Commission.

Last updated:

14 Jan 2025

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