Communities and Justice

The mediation process

CJC mediation is simple to arrange. Here is how it works:

If you have a dispute and can't or don't want to go to court ...

  1. You can ask us to organise a free CJC mediation session by calling 1800 990 777.
  2. We will talk to you about your situation and tell you about our service. If we think mediation could work for you and you want to go ahead, we will contact the other person or people in the dispute and invite them to mediation.
  3. We will wait to hear from the other person or people in the dispute. We will answer any questions they have and arrange a mediation if they agree. We will set up the mediation at a time and place that suits everyone.
  4. At mediation, everyone will be able to have their say and talk about ways of resolving the problem. The CJC mediators will help you communicate about the issues and write up any agreement you reach.

On average 80% of CJC mediations result in agreement. You've got nothing to lose!

"The mediators were wonderful, very professional but at the same time, accessible and approachable. They were really listening to what was being said. They should be commended for a great job."

Last updated:

15 Oct 2024