Informal Reporting

We recognise that those who experience, witness or have knowledge of inappropriate personal conduct may not feel comfortable or be in a position to make a formal complaint.

Informal reporting allows anyone to disclose their experience or knowledge of inappropriate personal conduct to us confidentially and anonymously. We have an Information Sheet with more information about the informal reporting process.

What does making an informal report achieve?

Making an informal report can have the following positive outcomes:

  • You feel empowered to talk about your experience and how the conduct made you feel
  • You receive initial support from our staff and referrals to services that can provide ongoing support if necessary
  • Your report informs our understanding. You help us monitor trends and understand instances of inappropriate personal conduct within the profession
  • Your report could facilitate changes in the policies or culture in a law practice or barristers’ chambers and prevent similar conduct happening to you or someone else

If the OLSC considers that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a law practice or barristers’ chambers are failing to address a culture of inappropriate personal conduct, we can take the following action. For law practices, the OLSC may undertake a targeted compliance audit to ensure the practice has appropriate policies and procedures to address inappropriate behaviour and encourage early reporting. Whilst the Uniform Law does not provide the OLSC with powers to audit barristers’ chambers, the OLSC is able to assist clerks and Heads of Chambers to review and develop appropriate policies and procedures to address inappropriate behaviour.

Making an informal report will not prevent you from making a formal complaint at a later stage. However, an informal report is not the same as making a formal complaint.

An informal report cannot lead to:

  • The OLSC directly contacting the reported person or law practice to ask them to stop the reported conduct
  • An investigation of the specific incident(s) of reported conduct
  • A determination that the reported conduct constitutes sexual harassment, workplace bullying or discrimination or is otherwise inappropriate
  • Disciplinary action taken against the person or law practice reported about

How can I make an informal report?

Informal reports are made confidentially to our Personal Conduct Team (PCT).

You can make an informal report through either of these methods:

  1. Online through the secured, encrypted Elker portal. Reports can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you have the choice to report anonymously. All reports are received and managed by the PCT who will communicate with you directly via the Elker portal. Click here to read more information and access the portal - external site via the Law Society website
  2. Over the phone to our PCT. Call (02) 9377 1865 during business hours and leave a message saying you wish to make an informal report about a Personal Conduct issue. A member of the PCT will return your call to take details of your report

Please note that:

  • You can remain anonymous throughout this process if you wish
  • You can disclose as much information or detail as you feel comfortable sharing
  • You can change your mind and terminate the process at any time
  • There is no time limit for making an informal report

What happens after I make an informal report?

If we are unable to assess if your report is within our jurisdiction, we will ask you for more information.

If your report is outside of our jurisdiction, we will tell you who you can contact for assistance where possible.

If your report is within our jurisdiction, we will inform you that your report has been recorded and finalised. The information from your report will:

  • Assist the OLSC to monitor trends and understand instances of inappropriate personal conduct within the profession
  • Not be shared without your consent

If you have any feedback about the process of reporting inappropriate personal conduct, please email us at - external site or call us at (02) 9377 1865. You can provide this feedback anonymously. 

Last updated:

14 Jan 2025

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