Communities and Justice

Criminalising coercive control in NSW

About coercive control

Coercive control is when someone repeatedly hurts, scares or isolates another person to control them. It’s domestic abuse and it can cause serious harm.

Learn more about coercive control.

NSW Government actions on coercive control

New law passed by NSW Parliament to outlaw coercive control in intimate partner relationships

In November 2022, the NSW Parliament passed the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022 (the Act). The Act was passed following the NSW Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control recommending a criminal offence of coercive control, and after detailed and public consultation on an exposure Draft Bill.

The Act makes coercive control in current and former intimate partner relationships a criminal offence. The offence occurs when an adult engages in a ‘course of conduct’ of abusive behaviour that is intended to coerce or control the other person (the coercive control offence). The offence commenced 1 July 2024. The Act also provides for a definition of domestic abuse in the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007, which commenced on 1 February 2024. 

Factsheets on the definition can be downloaded here:

Download a copy of the Plain English Factsheet (DOCX, 76.8 KB), Factsheet for legal and justice stakeholders (DOCX, 77.3 KB), and Factsheet for people working with children and young people (DOCX, 80.1 KB)

Download a copy of the Arabic (DOCX, 91.5 KB), Hindi (DOCX, 91.8 KB), Simplified Chinese (DOCX, 84.6 KB), Traditional Chinese (DOCX, 85.0 KB) and Vietnamese (DOCX, 90.9 KB) versions of the Plain English Factsheet.

The Coercive Control Implementation and Evaluation Taskforce and Reference Groups

The Act also requires that an Implementation and Evaluation Taskforce (the Taskforce) be formed to provide advice to the Minister on training and education, precise commencement dates, and consultation with stakeholders, particularly with sector-specific Reference Groups.

Other Government actions

Beyond legislation, the NSW Government’s response to domestic and family violence already includes significant investments across housing, crisis accommodation, counselling, case management, court advocacy, policing, education and health.

As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the NSW Government announced in June 2024, $245.6 million in funding to support domestic, family and sexual violence victim-survivors and expand programs that reduce violence against women and children. This includes:

  • $48.1 million for specialist workers to provide trauma-informed support for children accompanying their mothers to refuges.
  • $48.0 million to roll out the Staying Home Leaving Violence program statewide and to expand the Integrated Domestic and Family Violence Service.
  • $45.0 million to improve bail laws and justice system responses.
  • $38.3 million to implement NSW’s first dedicated Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Strategy.
  • $29.6 million for the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service to support victim-survivors to navigate the justice system.
  • $13.6 million for research into perpetrators and effective interventions, workforce training on the implementation of a newly developed risk assessment framework, and expanding Domestic Violence NSW, which is the peak body for specialist services in New South Wales.
  • $10.0 million for Men’s Behaviour Change programs supporting men to develop strategies to prevent the use of violence.

These legislative reforms are also backed by $5.6 million in initial funding for coercive control training for police, in multiple awareness campaigns and in educational resources.


The Department of Communities and Justice released a discussion paper in October 2020 on coercive and controlling behaviour in the context of domestic and family violence in NSW. The discussion paper highlights key questions for any potential reform.

This paper was a guide to help inform further consideration of this complex topic. 

View or download a copy of the coercive control discussion paper. (PDF, 729.9 KB)

In December 2021, the NSW Government committed to supporting, in full, in part or in principle, 17 of the 23 unanimous recommendations by the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control.

This included consulting on and introducing a stand-alone offence to address coercive control in intimate partner relationships as well as possible amendments to other existing laws.

Read the NSW Government's response to the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee.

Support services

If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, call the Police on Triple Zero (000).

For confidential advice, support and referrals, contact 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

Last updated:

27 Jun 2024