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Communities and Justice (DCJ) believes that the best place for a child is in their family home. Parents may need help to work out the best care for their child. Asking for help can be a hard but important step in doing this. Most families can get help to cope with difficulties while the children remain at home.
Sometimes children spend time away as part of a plan to help them and their family. They can go home when the family issues are addressed. You may have bad memories of things that happened to you as a child, or to others that you know. Thinking about these things may make you extra worried about what could happen to your children if you ask for help.
An important thing to think about is what will happen if you don’t seek help when you feel you or your children need it. Getting help early is the best way to keep your family together.
If the child or young person in your care has been reported to DCJ, we can put you in touch with a counselling service to give you support.
You may also be referred to other services for help such as your local family support agency, a community health centre or other government departments such as Housing or Centrelink.
There are a number of programs and services that DCJ funds including:
See the full list of DCJ' funded programs.
If DCJ or a non-government organisation are talking to you about the safety and wellbeing of your children, you can get free legal advice to understand what’s going on and what you need to do.
A range of free legal services are operated across NSW by different organisations including Legal Aid NSW, Community Legal Centres and the Aboriginal Legal Service.
More legal information and contact numbers in Legal matters and in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
If you are unhappy with the way you are treated by DCj staff, or not satisfied with the way we are working with you and the child or young person in your care, see complaints and feedback.
28 May 2024