Communities and Justice

New NSW Homelessness Strategy 2024-2034

The NSW Government is developing a new Homelessness Strategy with supporting action plans. This will set out our plan to prevent and respond to homelessness in NSW. The new Strategy and action plans will commence later in 2024.

The new Strategy will be based on the Government’s commitment to make NSW a place where homelessness is rare, brief and not repeated because people have a safe home and the support to keep it.

This means shifting the service system from:

  • a focus on crisis responses to a focus on prevention
  • a service-centred system to a person-centred system
  • centrally-focused to co-ordinated, localised service planning, design and delivery
  • government and non-government service design to the voices of people with lived experience of homelessness as part of program design and delivery.
Last updated:

22 May 2024