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The State Peaks Program is an example of DCJ’s partnership approach in supporting the development of a diverse, sustainable and capable service sector that is informed by client experience, and delivers improved outcomes for clients and communities.
The State Peaks Program was launched on 1 January 2021 and replaced the Sector Development Program following a review and collaborative design process.
The program is delivered by 14 peak organisations across the child and family, community building, domestic and family violence, homelessness and housing sectors to represent the interests of consumers, communities and non-government organisations working in the human services sector.
Under the program, peak organisations undertake a range of activities across three core service streams:
Some examples of what peak organisations are delivering under the program funding include partnering with government and the sector to support better understanding of government reforms and priorities, conducting research to inform policy development and support innovation, and representing the voice of the sector, communities and clients through collaboration, advocacy and networking.
The State Peaks Program specifications (PDF, 657.3 KB) provide an overview of the program.
Contact the State Peaks Program mailbox to find out more.
The peak organisations funded under the program are:
26 Jun 2024