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LINKS Training and Support provides a range of evidence-based training for carers and out-of-home care professionals in NSW. To find out more or request booking links, please email LINKS Training and Support.
The majority of kids in out-of-home care have experienced trauma, and the impact is lasting. In Healing from Trauma you will:
Kids in out-of-home care are at greater risk of displaying problematic and harmful sexual behaviours (PHSB). In You’ve Got This! you will:
Placement changes and other transitions can be difficult for kids in out-of-home care. In Endings and Beginnings you will:
LINKS Training and Support offers a variety of training throughout the year. Training is generally advertised two months in advance (upcoming dates are listed above). Please email for access to our booking page.
Yes! Training is open to all out-of-home care professionals and carers in NSW.
LINKS Training and Support training is delivered online via MS Teams. If you’re a DCJ carer or professional, speak to your caseworker or district psychologist about face-to-face opportunities. If you’re attached to an NGO, please ask your agency directly.
LINKS Training and Support provides training free of charge to all participants, in support of recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Our facilitator training (including associated training resources) is also free for all eligible out-of-home care professionals.
We expect that trained facilitators will continue to provide training free of charge to all participants.
Our online training is very popular, and places are limited. But don’t worry if you miss out on your preferred dates – new sessions are added monthly! Please check the website for upcoming training, or email for access to our booking page.
LINKS Training and Support delivers training specifically to foster, relative and kinship carers. At times it may be helpful for other members of a child’s support team to receive equivalent training. If you’re connected to DCJ, speak to your caseworker or district psychologist about training opportunities for family members. If you’re attached to an NGO, please ask your agency directly.
Yes! We provide facilitator training for:
· Healing from Trauma – a 3.5 hour online workshop
· You’ve Got This! – a self-paced e-learn followed by a 2 hour online workshop
Once you’ve completed facilitator training we provide access to all training resources. Please email to express your interest.
LINKS Training and Support provides facilitator training to out-of-home care professionals delivering training to carers and / or peers in their current role. We’ll ask you about your role prior to confirming your booking.
Please consider attending professional training if you’re ineligible for facilitator training.
07 Jan 2025