Communities and Justice

Responses to Coronial Recommendations

The Coroners Act 2009 allows a coroner to make recommendations as part of their findings following an investigation into a death, suspected death, fire or explosion. Coronial findings are available on the Coroners Court Website.

In some inquests and inquiries, recommendations are made. Where recommendations are made to NSW Ministers and Government Agencies, they are required to report to the Attorney General within six months of receiving a coronial recommendation in accordance with Premier's Memorandum 2009-12, outlining any action to be taken to implement the recommendation. 

The Department of Communities and Justice maintains and publishes coronial recommendations and the subsequent responses.

You can view recommendations and any responses received via the search field.

Responses received between 2009 and 2022 are presently maintained on our Archive page.

If you have any enquiries, please contact the Department of Communities and Justice, Legal

Last updated:

22 Oct 2024