Communities and Justice

Audit of CSNSW Cells, programs/education rooms and visits to determine compliance with standards and accessibility

Division: Corrective Services NSW

Project summary

Focus Area:

  • Improving access to mainstream services through better systems and processes

Project objective

Reduce Reoffending - The project will increase the number of offenders engaging in education, programs and potentially employment. It will do this by ensuring offenders can access these locations.

Increase support for offenders with complex needs - A comprehensive review of accessibility spaces within CSNSW Correctional Centre’s will assist with offender placements. Offender mobility needs can be accommodated in appropriate cell placements.

The project will reduce cost in terms of transferring offenders to different correctional centres.

The challenge

One in five people in the community have a disability according to the Australian Government data published on 03 September 2019. 

CSNSW has 11.66% of offenders in custody with a disability. This figure may increase as the offender population changes. Correctional Centres currently face challenges in identifying appropriate cell and program/education access.

Visitors to Correctional Centres, face challenges accessing the Correctional Centre. Staff may also experience environmental challenges in some instances. A review of accessibility areas will mitigate these risks. 

The strategy supports an inclusive environment for all offenders. 

  • Reduce reoffending by increasing offender access to programs, education and employment.   
  • Increase support for offenders with complex needs. 
  • Ensure people with disability have equitable access to buildings and facilities.
  • Reduce the cost of transferring offenders between correctional centres by identifying the most appropriate centre. 
  • CSNSW conducted a State-wide Review of Accessibility to CSNSW’s Correctional Centres Visits Areas. The results were published in 2019. This will inform this project. 

What will success look like?

Health and Safety Reps (HSR’s) review, cells, programs/education rooms and visits to determine compliance with standards and accessibility.

Compile a database with access requirements for each location.

Offender Classification - timely, appropriate placements

Programs and Education - timely and appropriate placements at goals to facilitate rehabilitation.

Status report

Current Status:

Date: July 2022

Status Notes:

July 2022 - Engaged with DCJ Infrastructure. Stage on of project underway auditing plans and updating naming conventions for consistency. Noted that it was completed February 2021. 

May 2021 - Project initiation

Consultation with RR PMO


Actions/Planned actions 2021

Engage Justice Infastructure for specifications

In consultation with Custodial Corrections - develop Project Plan and business case. 

Pilot site MSPC and LBH

Phase 2 - Franics Greenway Complex

Activities/evidence/milestones to May 2021

Stakeholder Meeting with Occupational Therapist, Justice Health Forensic Mental Health Network and Project Management Office - November 2020

Liasion with Project Management Office - November 2020 

In development - Project Plan

Last updated:

12 Mar 2024