Communities and Justice

Inquest into the death of Jasmynd Gibbs

Case Number: 2021/129807

Date of Findings: 20 February 2024

Magistrate: Harriet Grahame

CORONIAL LAW | death due to complications of methylamphetamine use; death of a person on supervised parole; wrap around support for parolees with complex needs


Recommendations to Response
Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW Awaiting
Secretary Department of Communities and Justice Received (PDF, 191.0 KB)


The Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW

1. That the Commissioner of Corrective Services advocate for an increase in both funding and the roll out of wrap-around services for parolees with complex needs including case managers such as those provided by the Community Restorative Centre consistent with the recommendations 99 and 102 of the special Inquiry into the drug 'Ice'.

2. That the Commissioner of Corrective Services review training on mental health and complex support needs to identify whether it meets the needs of Community Corrections Officers.

3. That the Commissioner of Corrective Services review Community Corrections Policies and Practices to ensure continuity of service to complex support needs parolees by their designated Community Corrections Officer. 

4. That the Commissioner of Corrective Services consider the publication of an information sheet on the role of Corrective Services NSW, the aims of community based supervision and the ways in which non-government organisations can support the management of offenders in the community.

The Secretary Department of Communities and Justice

5. That the Secretary of the Department of Communities and Justice consider a long term strategy to move away from heavy reliance on motel accommodation for parolees at risk of homelessness, which must involve strategies such as increased funding for Specialist Homelessness Services that can provide wrap-around services.

6. That the Secretary of the Department of Communities and Justice continue the refinement of procedures, as appropriate, requiring annual inspections of Temporary Accommodation providers to ensure ongoing suitability.

7. That the Secretary of the Department of Communities and Justice continue collaboration with Corrective Services NSW to provide housing assistance for inmates and parolees who are at risk of homelessness, including the development of a Housing Portal on inmate tablets which provides information about housing services, products and assistance prior to release from custody.

8. That the Secretary of the Department of Communities and Justice consider the development of an information pack to be provided to Temporary Accommodation (TA) providers, outlining annual inspections that are to be completed by DCJ Housing offices or Social Housing Management Transfer location community housing providers (SHMT CHPs) as well as the contact details for any complaints raised by the TA provider or TA guest.

Last updated:

15 Jan 2025