Communities and Justice

Getting vaccinated

We all have a role to play in helping to get COVID-19 under control and life in NSW back to normal.

By getting the COVID-19 vaccination you are helping to protect yourself, the people closest to you and your community.

Two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine provide around 90 per cent protection from hospitalisation and death from COVID-19.

And when enough people in the community are vaccinated, it slows down the spread of disease.

By getting vaccinated you join millions of others who have taken action to fight COVID-19 together.

5 years and over are now eligible to be vaccinated

ATAGI has now approved the COVID-19 vaccine for anyone 5 years and over. More information on this is available on the Federal government's Who can get vaccinated page.

COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia regardless of Medicare or visa status.

There are many different ways to access the COVID-19 vaccination, including through your GP, a vaccination clinic or selective pharmacies.

Check your eligibility and book your appointment now.

Booster vaccination

COVID-19 booster doses are now available and recommended three months after your second dose (or third dose if immunocompromised) to maintain the best protection against serious illness from COVID-19.

This means if you are 16 years old or over and had your second (or third) dose three months ago, then it's time to get your booster.

A booster is strongly recommended to help maintain your protection against the virus, Omicron and Delta included and particularly if you’re over 65 or have an underlying medical condition.

Getting a booster will help make sure you, your loved ones, and your community stay protected against COVID-19.

See the When to get your booster poster in the booster promo resources section below to find out when you can get boosted. Then you're ready walk in to a vaccination hub (no bookings required) or book an appointment with your GP or pharmacy to get boosted.

Staff are also able to update their booster vaccination status on DCJ’s vaccination register. Instructions on how to do this are available on our vaccination information page.

If you feel like spreading the good word, download our booster promo resources such as ‘I got boosted!’ video meeting backgrounds, social media tiles and booster promo banner for your email signature block.

Already boosted? Be loud and proud about it

Thank you for taking action to protect your community against COVID-19.

The NSW Government proof of vaccination page provide guidance on how to obtain your vaccination certificate and link it with ServiceNSW. You can also link it to the VIC check-in app ServiceVIC if you download the app to your mobile device.

Help protect those closest to you by encouraging them to join the movement and get vaccinated too.

An easy way of encouraging others is to use the following resources.

Booster promo resources

Social media tiles

Booster shot social tile 1
Booster shot social tile 2
Booster shot social tile 3
Booster shot social tile 4

Instructions for use:

  1. With your mouse on the image you'd like to download, right click to 'save image as'.
  2. Upload to your social media network or group/s.

Video meeting backgrounds

Booster shot background - green
Booster shot background - red

Instructions for use:

  1. With your mouse on the image you'd like to download, right click to 'save image as'.
  2. Before joining a meeting click on the icon of a person with a shaded background on the Chose your video and audio options screen (make sure your camera is on).
  3. Click Add new and upload the image.
  4. Note the image will appear backwards to you!

Email signature banners

Booster shot email banner - green

Check your eligibility and book your Booster shot

Booster shot email banner - red

Check your eligibility and book your Booster shot

nstructions for use:

  1. Copy your preferred graphic above and select Save as Picture. Save the picture with the file name ‘image – I got boosted!
  2. Open a new email in Microsoft Outlook.
  3. On the menu, select Insert > Signature > Signatures...
  4. Click on the image icon on the top right of the Edit signature box and insert the saved graphic
  5. Under the graphic, copy and paste the text ‘I got Boosted. Check your eligibility and book your Booster shot
  6. Select OK, or Save and close

When to get your booster - poster

When are you due for your COVID-19 booster poster

Find out more about the COVID-19 vaccination

The Australian Government, NSW Government and NSW Health websites provide reliable and accurate information on the COVID-19 vaccination program.

Last updated:

05 Sep 2024