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The NSW Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing (MACA) advises the Minister for Seniors on matters affecting the needs, interests and wellbeing of older people in NSW, and on the impact of the ageing of the population.
The Council currently has 12 members, appointed as individuals, on the basis of their expertise and experience. The Council meets up to six times a year in Sydney.
Policy advice and administrative support are provided by Secretariat staff based in the Department of Communities and Justice.
The purpose of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing is to support the Minister for Seniors in achieving healthy and productive ageing for the people of NSW, consistent with the NSW whole-of-government Ageing Strategy.
We believe that older people have the right to:
Members are appointed to MACA by the NSW Minister for Seniors.
Recruitment and appointment rounds are undertaken periodically in response to vacancies or the identified need for new members with particular expertise or experience.
This process is undertaken in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Guidelines for NSW Board and Council Members: Appointments and Remuneration.
The NSW Government is committed to providing the community with opportunities to participate in councils such as MACA. Vacancies are publicised through website and newspaper advertisements, correspondence and consulting with relevant organisations and networks.
The MACA Secretariat is located in the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
To find out more about DCJ's work supporting the people of NSW, visit the About us page.
25 Nov 2024