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Your safety remains our priority during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Essential services are staying open to help you stay safe. This includes domestic and family violence supports, counselling, crisis accommodation, Police and courts.
You are always allowed to leave your home to access domestic and family violence support services or to stay safe from harm.
Our Domestic Violence Line is always here for you. Call us on 1800 65 64 63 – we are available 24/7.
Interpreters are available. If you are hearing impaired, call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
If you or your family are in immediate danger, please call the Police on Triple Zero (000).
As people cooperate with social distancing directions, self-isolation and quarantine, there is an associated risk that domestic and family violence will increase.
Domestic and family violence includes different types of abuse. A person doesn’t need to experience all of these types of abuse for it to be a crime under the law. The abuse can include:
Look out for warning signs of abusive behaviour, including if a partner or family member:
Please call the NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63 if you are experiencing domestic and family violence.
We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Interpreters are available. If you are hearing impaired, call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
We can:
COVID-19 has impacted various services across the Department and Victims Services resulting in some changes to the way that they operate.
If you need to contact Victims Services, you can call Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
Call Victims Services:
Email Victims Services:
Business hours are Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm.
You can continue to lodge online forms for victims support
Please visit the Victims Services website for further information.
Find information on Domestic and Family Violence supports including the NSW Domestic Violence Line, how we are responding during COVID-19 and other important services.
You do not have to stay in an unsafe home. There are supports available and safe places you can stay.
People may be at even greater risk of experiencing domestic and family violence at this time. Families are experiencing extra stress and usual support networks may not be available.
If you are concerned someone you know may be experiencing domestic and family violence, call the NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63. We can provide advice on how to identify and support victim-survivors.
There are practical things every member of the community can do to help.
Physical distancing does not mean you cannot stay connected. Check in on the people in your life by calling, texting, messaging on social media or videoing.
Be aware that a controlling partner may be monitoring a person’s devices.
Be sensitive to how the person might be feeling and try not to be critical or judgemental when you speak. 'Just leaving' is not always a safe option.
Don’t push someone to talk if they seem uncomfortable, but let them know you’re there for them if they need to talk.
Ask the people in your life how you can help them during this time. Ask when and how you should contact them to keep them safe.
You could also offer to store copies of important documents, or an emergency bag, in case a person does choose to leave.
If someone tells you they feel unsafe or are experiencing violence, believe them.
Let them know help is available. The following support lines are free and available 24 hours, 7 days a week:
Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria also has a helpful guide for friends and families of people experiencing domestic and family violence.
It’s normal to feel stressed in a crisis, but it’s never okay to use violence or control. If you’re worried about how you’re feeling or behaving, you can get the support you need to help you change.
Contact Men's Referral Service by calling 1300 766 491 if you are worried about your own behaviour.
Find out more about supports available on the DCJ website.
Domestic violence victim-survivors will have more vital help available during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the NSW and Federal Governments today investing more than $21 million to boost frontline services and other supports.
The investment comprises $12.8 million from the NSW Government and $8.8 million from the Commonwealth Government.
The funding will deliver the following additional supports:
Download media release - COVID-19 funding to boost domestic violence support (PDF, 190.5 KB)
05 Sep 2024