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All Aboriginal children and young people attending a Department of Education school will have a Personalised Learning Pathway (PLP) education plan developed in accordance with their individual needs as part of the Personalised Learning and Support Planning (PLaSP).
There is no state wide Personalised Learning Pathway template. It is recommended that schools and community develop a PLP template to suit their local needs. Dept of Education : Personalised Learning Pathways Guidelines.
PLPs are a tool for increasing Aboriginal student engagement. They have the potential to support improved learning outcomes and educational aspirations when they are developed in genuine partnership with Aboriginal students, their parents or carers and teachers. They can be customised by each school and Aboriginal community to meet local needs and contexts.
PLPs are an active process. They are developed in a consultation process between the student, parents/carers and teachers, to identify, organise and apply personal approaches to learning and engagement. PLP’s can have short term or long term goals. Short term goals can be specific stepping stones to reach long term goals.
06 Jun 2024