Communities and Justice

Charter for working with contracted service providers

This charter conveys the principles, values, commitments and expectations of DCJ’s working relationship with service providers to achieve positive outcomes for individuals, families and communities.


DCJ’s Commissioning Contract Management Framework provides the systems and processes that support the way we manage the range of contracts with service providers, as well as our relationship with them.

The objective is to enable both parties to work together to deliver quality services and achieve the outcomes agreed in contracts.

The systems and processes ensure we manage contracts effectively, using a strengths-based approach to work with service providers so that:

  • contracts achieve better outcomes for clients
  • service providers have the ongoing capacity and capability to deliver the outcomes agreed in contracts
  • issues and risks are managed to ensure the stable and uninterrupted delivery of services
  • there’s clarity and accountability for all parties about how funds are being used to meet client needs.

The Commissioning Contract Management Framework enables us to meet our commitments to the people of NSW, monitors that service providers are delivering quality services, and ensures both parties are meeting their responsibilities and obligations agreed in the contract.

Why the need for a charter?

While our relationship with a service provider is governed by a contract, we developed this charter to describe the means to successfully work together.

Founded on guiding principles and a strengths-based relationship, the charter articulates our commitment to service providers and what we expect of them in return.

The goal is a partnership that’s focused on achieving better outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

Print version

Print version of the Charter for working with contracted service (PDF, 183.4 KB). The page size is A2, but can be printed as A3.

Last updated:

21 Oct 2024