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An organisation that meets the definition described in Clause 44 of National Agreement on Closing the Gap. Refer to the ACCO webpage.
A process of holding someone or an organisation accountable. The department’s accountability process holds service providers accountable for the use of public funds and delivery of contracted services by an organisation.
Also refer to - annual accountability
Refer to change of control
The actions taken to respond to an identified issue or need or aspiration of a particular cohort. Activities may include the delivery of one or more program or services, or activities delivered as part of a program or service.
In general, an addition to a document that requires a correction, clarification or supplement.
A legally binding agreement between the department and a service provider.
Also refer to Contract
Commonly referred to as the Human Services Agreement (HSA), the legally binding contract between a provider and the Department is made up of two documents:
1. The Agreement for Funding of Services - Standard Terms
- The overarching header agreement between government agencies and a contracted service provider
2. The Agreement for Funding of Services - Schedule
- Outlines specific details about the services and programs being contracted, and it specifies funding.
Also refer to Contract
A claim made by one party about something wrong, improper or illegal that has or has not been done by another party. Serious wrongdoing (misconduct) refers to any conduct, of any person, that involves serious or persistent harassment, bullying, fraud, corruption or conflict of interest. Refer to allegations of serious wrongdoing (misconduct) webpage.
Funds applied to a program or a procurement process. An allocation is usuially made through the budget.
Refer to change of control
A mandatory process that ensures contracted service providers are accountable for the funding they receive and the services they are contracted to deliver on behalf of the NSW Government.
Through the annual accountability process the department targets areas that may require additional information as part of our commitment to continual improvement of services. These targeted areas are known as focus areas.
Total monies paid to a contracted service provider for a financial year.
Also refer to - Committed Funds
A person or organisation that makes a formal application in response to a grant opportunity or tender process.
A formal approval obtained from the delegated officer to allow funds to be allocated to a service provider for the delivery of services. This is usually done in the form of a briefing note.
The criteria against which applications are assessed and a recommendation made.
A panel of people that assess applications against assessment criteria.
An official inspection of books and/or records by appropriate professional or an independent body or organisation.
A record tracing the activities and actions of a user/or changes to records.
A number given to a business or entity for use in dealings with the Tax Office and other government agencies.
A nine-digit number issued by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) to companies only.
A person identified as being in a position authorised to commit the service provider to the conditions as described in a contract.
A person with authority to sign official documents on behalf of the service provider (not the same as ‘authorised representative’).
Data collected before or at the start of an intervention which serves as a basis for comparison with subsequently acquired data.
Performing a business process task is a workflow action in the payment and contracts system.
A change in the direct or indirect beneficial ownership
or control of an organisation, including significant change in board members (due to a takeover or board resignation)
Refer to a merger, acquisition or amalgamation
A diverse range of individuals, children, families and communities in NSW who use our services now or may use our services in the future.
Alternative terms used across the department include - customer, service user, service recipient, participant, tenant, offender, and survivor or person affected by crime.
Placing clients and communities at the centre of the planning and decision making that will impact their lives.
The interaction between the commissioner, clients and communities. Client and community engagement enables the commissioner to design and implement services that are better tailored to needs and more likely to achieve positive outcomes.
The date and time by which something is required to be received.
Co-design is a partnership between people with lived experience and professionals, working together to plan and design (and sometimes evaluate) future services and outcomes.
In the commissioning context, the commissioner is the entity or team which commissions services. The commissioner is responsible for separating the provider and regulator duties.
The steps involved in the department’s approach to commissioning.
Also refer to Commissioning
The person making a complaint.
An expression of dissatisfaction made about a service provider, in relation to its staff, services or handling of complaints, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or is legally required.
An expression of dissatisfaction or disagreement about the way a contract has been managed. This may include decisions and actions made under the department’s policies or procedures.
Also refer to - Issue – contracting
An expression of dissatisfaction about the department, in relation to its staff, services or handling of complaints, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or is legally required.
The process for managing complaints in accordance with the NSW Ombudsman's Complaint Management Framework (June 2015) and complaint handling model policy, which conform to the Australia and New Zealand Standard Guidelines for complain management in organisations.
Where the exercise of a person’s duty or decision-making is influenced, or may appear to be influenced, by their personal interests. This may be actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest.
Association of service providers which cooperate to provide a range of services within their community.
The process of seeking the views of stakeholders, and experts.
The process of evaluating and benchmarking services against credible alternatives and/or market testing in order to drive productivity, learning and improvement.
The legally binding agreement between the department and a service provider to deliver human services.
Refer to: Agreement for Funding of Services
Funding Deed, Program Level Agreement (PLA), Service Delivery Schedule (used for PSP only).
There may also be other forms of contracts used in human services for specific arrangements.
The process of managing the agreed requirements and obligations of the department and contracted service providers.
Has a principal role in managing the relationship with service providers to ensure services are delivered as agreed in the contract.
An agreed change to the obligations for either or both parties under the contract.
Activities for which the department has another service provider deliver on behalf of the NSW Government.
Replaces - Funded service
A service provider contracted by the department to provide services to clients on our behalf.
Also refer to - service provider, service partner (links to below)
Replaces - funded service provider
The process of developing and managing the contract over its lifecycle, from procurement through to closure. This includes any residual activities required following contract closure.
Also refer to – procurement and contract management
In the annual accountability process, a service provider’s report of their income and expenditure to demonstrate how they used funds to deliver the services agreed in the contract, and certification that they met their financial responsibilities and contractual obligations for the applicable financial year.
Refer to annual accountability
In the annual accountability process, a service provider’s report of their organisation changes and financial statements, and declaration of compliance with their ongoing responsibilities and contractual obligations.
Refer to annual accountability
A person whose responsibility it is to call people together for meetings of a committee, group, or tender process.
Qualitative and/or quantitative information gathered for reference or analysis. It is used to help assess or evaluate.
A matter raised by invoking the dispute resolution clause in the contract.
Also refer to Issue - contracting
The terms and conditions of the proposed agreement that the department may enter into with the preferred respondent.
The assessment requirements that a service provider must meet to be considered for contracting.
Another term that is used for an organisation.
Also refer to – Legal entity
A rigorous, systematic and objective process to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, appropriateness and sustainability of interventions. There are three types of evaluation used by the department- process, outcome and economic evaluation.
Information and analysed data that is used as proof to support a claim or belief. This helps to inform decision-making and forms a core part of commissioning practice. This can be made up of the best available research, data, client voice and expert/tacit knowledge.
A depository or library of knowledge, consisting of national and international empirical data, contemporary research etc. Refer to the FACSIAR Evidence Hub.
An evidence review is a summary and analysis of the best and most relevant research evidence on a given topic.
Refers to the way that funds are used by the contracted service provider in the provision of services or activities agreed to in the contract.
The efficient and effective management of funds, which includes careful planning, directing, control and reporting of the financial resources of an organisation.
The fiscal year that the funding is against. The financial year begins on 1 July and ends on 30 June.
Total sum of funding initially agreed to by the department and a service provider against a contract.
Similarly used term – Committed funds
The method used to apply and fund a program.
A pre-defined catchment or coverage area in which a given service is made available. This is defined in terms of Local Government Area(s) (LGAs or electorates).
Similarly used terms - district or state-wide coverage, electorates
A tax on the supply of goods and services in Australia.
Also refer to GST Law
The system of rules, practices and processes by which an organisation is directed and controlled.
The board, management committee or similar body responsible for governing an organisation.
Refer to definition in Section 4 of NSW Grants Administration Guide.
The legally binding agreement between the department and a service provider to deliver grant-funded programs or projects on behalf of the department.
Also refer to – contract
A document that is published with the grant opportunity to describe the grant program, and clearly articulate the purpose, parameters and deliverables of the grant program, enabling both the department and the service providers to be clear about what is being funded and why.
A grantee is the recipient of a grant.
Any law imposing a GST and includes A New Tax System (Goods & Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) or if that Act does not exist, means any Act imposing, or relating to a GST and any regulation made under those Acts.
Also refer to Goods & Services Tax
Refer to contract
Replaces – Funding deed
A legally binding contract that is made up of two documents that together form the HSA:
1. The Agreement for Funding of Services - Standard Terms
- The overarching header agreement between government agencies and a contracted service provider
2. The Agreement for Funding of Services - Schedule
- Outlines specific details about the services and programs being contracted, and it specifies payments.
Preferred terms – Contract or agreement for funding of services
The mechanism for documenting and describing how the department delivers human services contract management. The framework specifies the requirements for the systems, policies, resources and contract management processes. This ensures service providers and department staff have a common understanding of each other’s roles and responsibilities, as well as the resources to be applied.
Long-term social, economic, cultural and/or environmental effects or consequences.
A percentage increase applied to the base funding at a contract level to assist in meeting increased costs of delivering services as a result of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases. The percentage is determined by Treasury each year. The eligibility and percentage rate can vary with each program.
Used to measure outcomes. They are measurable markers that show whether progress is being made on a certain condition or circumstance i.e. whether an outcome has been achieved or is in the process of being achieved.
Any event or circumstance that you’re aware has occurred or is occurring, and which has the potential to have an adverse impact on performance and the delivery of services.
Also refer to – Complaint (contracting)
A significant issue is one that is either:
An issue at the organisation or system level. A service provider may have a systemic issue if multiple or recurring contracting issues can be traced back to a single cause. This would be the result of governance, financial management or service delivery practices and their effect on the organisation and its operations.
Generally used to describe the arrangement where two or more service providers work together for a common purpose.
An agreed output/outcome against a program or contract. These are reported against through the funding program’s data collection.
Note - Not to be confused with a performance indicator which is a measure of a service provider's performance.
The key representative of the corporate relationship with a service provider. Lead contract managers are responsible for establishing a good working relationship with a service provider’s management team, and for being aware of the overall funding arrangements and performance of each of their services across applicable districts and central office units.
The district or central office directorate responsible for managing the corporate relationship with the service provider.
An individual, corporation or incorporated organisation or government body that has legal capacity to enter into an agreement.
The registered business or company name of a service provider.
All indirect costs (all management, administrative, fixed and variable overhead costs) incurred by a service provider in support of delivering the services agreed in the contract with the department.
A forum or construct by which buyers and sellers can transact for goods or services.
The process of gathering, analysing, using and reviewing intelligence to develop knowledge of demand and supply, and current capacity of the market to deliver services.
The spectrum of activities that impact the market.
A mature market has the capacity, capability and diversity to participate in a competitive procurement strategy.
Actively managing and developing the market to ensure the quantity and quality of services can be provided.
Creating an efficient and sustainable marketplace through a diverse and competitive range of suppliers who are able to meet the structural changes created by a client-driven market.
Terms used to describe the transaction whereby two or more service providers combine their operations, involving a change of control.
Also refer to change of control
A systematic and evidence-based process for determining needs, risk factors or gaps between current conditions and desired conditions for clients.
Issued in response to recommendations of the Review of Grants Administration in NSW.
The Guide provides:
An online list of all grant programs provided by the NSW Government. Provides transparency by making NSW Government grants and funding available to the public.
Policy that sets out sanctions for non-government organisations with Redress Obligation that do not join the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse (the Scheme).
Funding that is provided on a single occasion with no obligations to provide this funding in future. One-off funds are allocated individually and may be applied to a contract of any length of time.
A service provider's preferred name for the service being contracted. The operating name is in addition to the contract name.
Similarly used terms - Trading Name, Business Name
A funding opportunity that is advertised and open to any eligible service providers.
Is a legal entity that is capable of entering into a contract arrangement.
Similarly used term - service provider, entity, legal entity
Identifies the type of organisation, e.g. NGO, Non-Profit, Local Government or State Government.
The changes that occur for individuals, groups, families, organisations, systems, or communities during or after an intervention that result in a desirable state of being. Outcomes can be short term, medium or long-term. Refer to the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework
The process of measuring if, and how many, activities lead to certain outcomes. Outcome measurement is used to track indicators. Outcome measurement is done with tools/mechanisms known as outcome measures.
The amount and frequency of payment to be given to the service provider on the basis of achieving outcomes as part of the contract.
The direct and measurable products, goods and services which are produced by an intervention or program. Outputs are often expressed in terms of volume or units delivered.
The cooperation between agencies, authorities, service providers and other stakeholders, to ensure a collaborative approach to the design and delivery of tailored service responses that improve outcomes for clients takes place.
Outlines the payments made to a contracted service provider under the terms of a particular contract.
The dollar amount to be paid under a contract for the provision of services.
How well a service provider is delivering their contracted performance and outcomes measures agreed to in their contract with the department. Performance also refers to a service provider’s ongoing capacity and capability to deliver stable, uninterrupted services, at the level of quality specified in the relevant program specifications.
A Performance Improvement Plan is a formal agreement between the department and a service provider, jointly developed, to identify the actions the service provider must take to resolve issues within an agreed timeframe.
Similarly used words - Improvement Plan
The ongoing interaction between the department’s contract managers and service providers to ensure that services are being provided as contracted, and that issues are identified early and worked through to resolution.
Regular scheduled payment to contracted service providers to undertake service delivery.
Determines the legislative and policy framework and responses required to achieve the outcomes in the commissioning system. Policy makers also determine the level of funding needed to purchase services and sets the standards to be enforced by the regulator to protect them.
Identified as a respondent that has been assessed as progressing to the next stage or phase of the procurement process.
A way of grouping programs together.
Replaces – Service Group name
Factors to be taken into consideration when choosing service providers to be funded.
Refers to a process that begins with the basic “make or buy” decision, and then spans the “whole life” of the supplier/construction arrangements. It includes the definition of business needs, designing and implementing arrangements, monitoring and managing performance, and reviewing outcomes to assess the effectiveness of the arrangements. The department procures both goods and services (funded services).
The department unit responsible for managing a program and the budget for that program.
Responsible for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a program and the development of the program guidelines.
Describes how contracted programs are to be implemented in NSW. The guidelines ensure that the purpose, parameters and deliverables of the program are clearly articulated, enabling both the department and service delivery providers to be clear about what is being funded and why.
Replaces - program guidelines
The web portal contracted service providers will use to access contracting and payment information and to complete accountability reporting activities.
Replaces - contracting portal
To provide transparency and accountability, a mandatory requirement to publish a grant opportunity and grant outcome on the department’s website and the NSW Government Grants and Funding Finder.
A tax invoice issued by the department to service providers, for the supply of services under the GST Legislation.
Similarly used terms - Advice of deposit
Enforces the rules within the commissioning system or market and could include provision of accreditation services. It provides an independent control mechanism and an avenue for dispute resolution.
Refers to services and/or associated specifications as set out in a tender package.
The legal entity submitting a response.
Stands for Request for [x]. A general term to refer to formal request issued by the department and may include any of the following procurement processes: RFT, RFI, RFP, RFQ and EOI (referred to as RFT within the Tendering Platform).
An event or circumstance that may realistically occur and, if it does occur, has the potential to have an adverse impact on performance, service delivery or the ability to meet the agreed outcomes for a program and/or contract.
A systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity or undertaking.
Attributes or conditions that can contribute to an individual/organisation’s vulnerability and increase the probability that they will have poor outcomes in the future.
An evaluation of the department’s directorate, business unit, or service provider’s willingness to take risks, as well as the threats to which it is exposed.
A limited number of prospective service providers are invited to submit a proposal in response to specified criteria.
These are activities which are included in a contract for a specific program.
The quantitative and qualitative measures contracted service providers are required to fulfil to meet their contractual requirements with the department.
A concept or framework used to describe the required functions, resources, and intended business objectives, and how these will be achieved.
Any individual, group or organisation engaged by the department that contributes to the design and/or delivery of services to the community.
An organisation delivering services to clients.
Also refer to - Contracted service providers
An arrangement of processes, technology and networks (such as government, non-government and private sector stakeholders) that is designed to deliver services that satisfy the needs, wants and/or aspirations of clients.
The networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively.
Any group or individual who can affect or is affected by an organisation or its activities. Across the department this can include internal and/or external groups or individuals.
The expectations of an effective commissioning process. In the department, it is understood that good quality commissioning is aligned with the department's commissioning principles and process.
Also refer to – Commissioning
For the department’s purposes, subcontracting is when a service provider uses the department’s funds to pay a third party — whether an organisation or an individual — to fulfil part or all of the services we have contracted the service provider to deliver.
An independent contractor that is hired by another independent contractor to help them complete their contracted work.
A set of activities managed together over a sustained period of time that aims to achieve outcomes for a client or client group.
Replaces – Program
Any additional conditions, other than those expressed in a standard contract's terms and conditions, that the provider is to adhere to. These can be set at either program or individual contract levels.
Replaces - Special conditions
An organised scheme of delivering services to clients through commissioning.
The activity of planning and organising people, infrastructure, communication and components of a system, in order to improve quality, the interaction between the service provider and clients, and the clients’ experience.
The component parts and their relationship within a service delivery system. Each part creates and builds value contributing to the overall outcome and value of the system.
The particular group of people that a program or service is intended to reach.
The process by which the department requests formal applications from service providers to provide a particular service.
The procurement documentation issued or published by the department via the tendering platform.
An online portal where the department publishes the tender package. The tendering platform can either be Procurement Central or NSW e-Tendering website.
The formal act of bringing a contract to an end.
Funds in relation to the services agreed in a contract that:
The designated level of access to payment and contracting system, or provider portal for a particular user.
Refer to contract variation
A person who provides information and exposes corrupt conduct within an organisation in the hope of stopping it.
16 Dec 2024