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The NSW government has committed $1.485 million under the Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence National Partnership Agreement (NPA) for the AWDP to support Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) delivering services under the Core and Cluster Program (C&C) and the Aboriginal Homelessness Sector Growth Project (AHSGP).
The investment in ACCOs delivering C&C and AHSGP services:
The AWDP provides an opportunity to contribute to Closing the Gap targets by increasing investment and building capacity of the Aboriginal Community Controlled sector. The project also supports the safety of Aboriginal families and households experiencing domestic and family violence and those at risk of or experiencing homelessness by increasing the number of Aboriginal led organisations delivering specialist homelessness services Aboriginal Workforce Development Project - Grant Program Guidelines (PDF, 333.1 KB).
The Aboriginal Workforce Development Project (AWDP)- Grant Program Guidelines contain information to assist invited applicants to complete the application process. It includes an overview of the AWDP grant program, information about the application process, eligibility, and assessment criteria, how the funds can and cannot be used, and reporting requirements.
It is recommended that these guidelines are read prior to completing your application for the AWDP grant program.
Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) contracted to deliver services for either the C&C Program or the AHSGP, will be eligible to receive one-off funding for a contract period of up to one year from commencement
Applications Open on Monday 8th April 2024 and will close on Monday 6th May 2024
06 Dec 2024