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The DAFP focuses on all people with disability in NSW who need support to access NSW Government funded or provided services, whether or not they are NDIS participants. Where relevant, it also targets specific communities and disability types.
In December 2019, the NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner recommended the establishment of the DAFP which commenced on 1 January 2022 and is funded until October 2024.
The DAFP, the 2023/24 Special Purposes and Projects; and Sector Development grant programs aims to:
support initiatives to assist people with disability in NSW to actively engage in their communities in a more informed and empowered way, for which alternative funding sources are not available, and
drive quality improvement, collaboration and innovation among advocacy organisations, and to build stronger networks and learning opportunities.
Grant applications closed on 30 August 2023.
Organisation |
Grant Stream |
Project Name |
Project Overview |
Ku ring gai Neighbourhood Centre Ltd |
Special Purposes and Projects |
3 Circle Project - Community Connection Communication |
The project will educate the community of the risks associated with Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and strategies for reducing the risk of CTE and dementias through the promotion of brain health. |
Autism Advisory and Support Service |
Special Purposes and Projects |
Empowering Autism: Advocating for Inclusion in Our Community |
The project will create a more inclusive and supportive environment for people with Autism with and without funding to actively engage in their communities. The project will empower individuals with Autism to participate in community activities, make informed decisions, and lead more independent lives. |
The Flagstaff Group |
Special Purposes and Projects |
Resilience Crusaders |
The Resilience Crusaders project will be for individuals living with disability to work with emergency services to educate staff and volunteers on emergency preparedness, filling the gaps around preparation, inclusivity and education. |
ACON Health Limited |
Special Purposes and Projects |
Social Groups for LGBTQ+ People with Disability |
This project will deliver fortnightly social groups with different topics to encourage engagement and support LGBTQ+ people with disability to develop their independence and active engagement in work, education and community. |
The New South Wales Council for Intellectual Disability |
Special Purposes and Projects |
Voices of Change: Bridging Past and Present in Disability Self- Advocacy |
This project will develop videos and Easy Read resources connecting lived experiences of disability advocacy during deinstitutionalisation in NSW to contemporary disability advocacy priorities: independent living/community inclusion. |
Action For People With Disability Inc |
Special Purposes and Projects |
Clear Pathways: empower, inform, support. |
The Project is to provide cost-free information sessions to people with disability and their families in the Northern Region of Sydney. The workshops will provide specialist information on areas including employment, housing, education, justice, domestic and family violence, Trustee and Guardian, supported decision making and disability advocacy. |
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia |
Special Purposes and Projects |
SCIA Self-Advocacy Workshops to support and empower people with disability in Northern NSW |
The project is early intervention that focuses on building self-determination and self-advocacy capacity amongst People with Disability and Support Workers in Northern NSW. |
Muscular Dystrophy Association of New South Wales |
Special Purposes and Projects |
The project will develop tailored advocacy journey pathways, making support resources more accessible to individuals with neuromuscular conditions. This will empower People with Disability to participate fully in their communities and be informed about their rights and opportunities. |
The Institute for Family Advocacy and Leadership Development Inc |
Sector Development |
Enhanced reach and supports that enables people with disability to actively engage with their communities |
This project will redevelopment the Inclusion Resource Library housed on the family advocacy website. This resource library house historical and current literature as well as resources relevant to strengthening the knowledge and actions of effective advocacy to progress the rights and interests of people with disability. |
Physical Disability Council of NSW Incorporated |
Sector Development |
The DICE (Disability Inclusion, Certification & Employment) Project |
The DICE (Disability Inclusion, Certification & Employment) Project to ensure that Disability Inclusion Action Plans (DIAPs) in NSW, both in the government and non-government sectors to generate lasting positive change. |
Mental Health Coordinating Council Limited |
Sector Development |
Supported Decision-Making: Building Psychosocial Disability Workforce Capacity and Skills |
The project will deliver online real-time learning activity for psychosocial support workers, to build competency in SDM skills. The project will help workers to assist people exercise their human rights, maximise autonomy and realise greater independence when making everyday decisions such as care and support planning. |
Intellectual Disability Rights Service Inc |
Sector Development |
Legal knowledge for protecting rights |
The project will deliver monthly interactive on-line training for disability advocates. The training will build advocates' knowledge and understanding of specific legal issues, legal information and legal processes impacting people with disability. |
Action for People with Disability Inc |
Sector Development |
Professional pathways: enquire, learn, apply. |
The project will upskill disability advocate workforce in relevant training and strategies that can assist us when working with significant psychosocial disability, including train the trainer. |
If you have any questions about this grant program, contact the Disability Advocacy Futures Program mailbox at
06 Dec 2024