Communities and Justice

Social Sector Transformation Fund grant recipients

The NSW government announced the Social Sector Transformation Fund (SSTF) in the 2020 State Budget. The SSTF supports small to medium sized charities and not for profits in the social services and health sectors.

DCJ administered the SSTF grants process from April to June 2021. The grants were released in three tranches through a combination of direct payments, competitive grants and select tender processes. The allocation of grants was based on defined eligibility requirements, demand and needs. Assessment of the competitive and select grants were merit based.

The SSTF was co-designed with peak bodies representing the sector and with relevant government agencies. The co-design process informed the policy direction and principles for the grants process implemented by DCJ.

The successful providers for Tranche 1 – Direct Allocation payments can be found here (PDF, 335.7 KB)

The successful providers for Tranche 2 – Open grants can be found here (PDF, 318.6 KB)

Advisory and Information Services

The third tranche of the Social Sector Transformation Fund are select grants to deliver Advisory and Information Services from August 2021.

The SSTF Advisory and Information Services will leverage existing supports, resources and infrastructure to help eligible organisations achieve the SSTF outcomes.

Seven organisations have received one-off grants to provide advice, resources and support to the health and social services sectors. Advice and support can be short and general, or it can be more detailed and in depth.

Individual SSTF Advisory and Information Service providers will triage queries and assess whether an organisation is eligible for a SSTF service and the type of service that can be provided.

The seven organisations funded to deliver SSTF Advisory and Information Services are:

  • Infoxchange will receive $2.7 million to provide digital and information technology advisory services to not-for-profits, migrate organisations to the cloud and develop provider digital capability through the Digital Information Hub
  • Social Impact Hub will receive $1.5 million to deliver governance and strategy support through its Professional Impact Network to help not-for-profits grow, innovate and become more sustainable
  • The NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) will receive $1 million to support resilience building for emergency responses and to convene a symposium for health and social service NGOs to come together to share the results , opportunities and challenges that the SSTF has generated.
  • AbSec will receive $1 million to provide small to medium sized not-for-profits with a holistic model of supports, providing practical advice and solutions to help organisations improve how they do business
  • Justice Connect will receive $1 million to deliver a range of legal services for not-for-profits to help board members, staff and volunteers understand the law, prevent legal problems and increase efficiency
  • The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies will receive $1 million to deliver on-demand leadership training and workforce development activities through online workshops and face-to-face training; and
  • Sefa (Social Enterprise Financial Australia) will receive $1.5 million to deliver a range of strategic analysis, governance support, quality assurance and evaluation services to help organisations futureproof their operations

Organisations interested in receiving information about the SSTF Advisory and Information Service can register their interest by emailing the SSTF mailbox and nominating a service stream(s).

Registrations of interest will be given to the SSTF Advisory and Information Service providers when operations commence. These services will operate from August 2021.

Last updated:

06 Dec 2024