Communities and Justice

Mens Behaviour Change Development Grant Program - 2024-26

Purpose of the MBCP Development grant program

The Department of Communities and Justice has developed a grants program to:

  • assist MBCPs to tailor MBCP service delivery for particular priority groups; 
  • for other service providers to develop and register an MBCP for particular priority groups.

The Grants program will provide up to $4m funding for eligible projects and invited organisations to be completed by March 2026.

The current round of the MBCP Development grant program will focus on:

  • implementing and testing pilots of the adapted MBCPs and
  • applying for MBCP registration for the adapted MBCPs.

Target group

MBCPs are predominantly group-based programs and services that focus on working with men to enable them to recognise their violent behaviour and develop strategies to stop them from using violence.

MBCPs must be registered with the Department of Communities and Justice to receive funding or referrals from the NSW Government.

Objectives and outcomes

The objectives of the MBCP Development grant program are to develop and register MBCPs that meet the needs of people from a particular priority community group. 

The priority groups are:

  • Aboriginal people
  • CALD &/or refugee backgrounds
  • people living with cognitive impairment.

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants are required to have:

  • been previous recipients from round one of the MBCP Development Grants program funded by DCJ in 2023-24 and
  • be committed to piloting an adapted MBCP for a priority group and registering an MBCP under the NSW MBCP Practice Standards and Compliance Framework (Attachment A) for a particular priority group before December 2025.

Please note is a closed grant round.


Last updated:

06 Dec 2024