Communities and Justice

Overview of the Local Domestic and Family Violence Committee Grant Program

Purpose of the LDFVC grant program

The NSW Government supports the prevention of Domestic Family and Sexual Violence at the local level by providing annual grants to Local Domestic and Family Violence Committees across the state.  In this context, grants of up to $1,800 are available for Local Domestic and Family Violence Committees across NSW by application.

Local Domestic and Family Violence Committee Grants must deliver a project that assists committees to raise awareness about:

  • the impact of violence against women
  • local services and support available within their communities.

Funds can be used to:

  • develop educational and awareness raising resources
  • print information booklets and promotional brochures and posters about domestic and family violence and/or local services suitable for community members
  • provide childcare with an approved service provider to enable parents/carers to participate in activities.

Objectives & outcomes

The Local Domestic and Family Violence Committee Grants 2023 program, has four key objectives:

  1. Raise awareness in the community about the destructive impacts of domestic and family violence.
  2. Reinforce messages about positive behaviours and social norms rejecting violence against women.
  3. Engage local groups, organisations – including men's organisations – and schools in leading efforts for change.
  4. Increase awareness in the local community about services and assistance available, for those experiencing domestic and family violence, or those responsible for it.

Grant applications must demonstrate how the proposed project will contribute to raising awareness of domestic and family violence in your community by meeting at least one of the program objectives.

Target group

All members of an identified local community who are affected by domestic and family violence. 

Grant Program Guidelines (PDF, 315.3 KB) (PDF, 315.3 KB)

Grant Program FAQ’s (PDF, 325.9 KB) (PDF, 325.7 KB)

Smarty Grant Portal – application form.

Last updated:

06 Dec 2024