Communities and Justice

A-Z of all contract management resources

This page lists all contract management policies, guides, forms and other information for our contracted providers of human services.

The resources are arranged in an A–Z of topics.



See annual accountability


Mergers, acquisitions and amalgamations, includes requirements for notifying us

Form: Notice of a change of control involving a merger, acquisition or amalgamation form (DOCX, 333.0 KB)

Administration and other overhead costs

Reporting indirect contract administration costs for annual accountability

Agreement for Funding of Services

Agreement for Funding of Services

Allegations of misconduct

How we deal with allegations of misconduct


Mergers, acquisitions and amalgamations, includes requirements for notifying us

Annual accountability

About annual accountability

Annual accountability requirements and resources 2023–2024


Authorised signatories

Authorised signatories for DCJ contracts and other legal documents


Changes of control

Mergers, acquisitions, amalgamations and similar changes of control

Form: Notice of a change of control involving a merger, acquisition or amalgamation (DOCX, 333.0 KB)

Charter for working with contracted service providers


Charter A2 poster (PDF, 183.4 KB)

Contracting complaints

Making contracting complaints to us

How we handle contracting complaints

Resolving contracting complaints — responsibilities of funded service providers

Contracting documents

Funding Deed and Program Level Agreement (PLA) (PDF, 590.7 KB)

Agreement for Funding of Services

Covid-19 management

Service provider COVID-19 management and vaccination policy


Delegated signatories

Authorised signatories for DCJ contracts and other legal documents


DocuSign and electronic signatures for human service contracts


Engaging service providers for human services contracts

Pricing, procuring and contracting human services


Financial management

DCJ uses the National Standard Chart of Accounts for financial documentation with its funded service providers.

Funded Contract Management Framework

Funded contract management overview (PDF, 1.2 MB)

About the Funded Contract Management Framework

Funded Contract Management Framework A3 diagram (PDF, 169.6 KB)

Funding Deed

Funding Deed


Income and expenditure

Form: Sample contract-level Income & Expenditure Statement (XLSX, 14.6 KB) for contract-level accountability

Information security

Maintaining secure information and notifying us of information security incidents


Joint working arrangements

Joint working arrangements

DCJ interest in service provider working arrangements; also available as an A3 infographic (PDF, 199.2 KB)



Mergers, acquisitions and amalgamations, includes requirements for notifying us

Form: Notice of a change of control involving a merger, acquisition or amalgamation (DOCX, 333.0 KB)


Pricing service delivery

Pricing, procuring and contracting human services


Privacy factsheet -  Key privacy obligations for DCJ contractors (PDF, 156.4 KB). This factsheet sets out the key privacy obligations for service providers, NGOs, private sector organisations or other public agencies that are funded by DCJ to deliver services and programs. Read this factsheet in conjunction with the information security information.

Procuring services

Pricing, procuring and contracting human services

Program Level Agreement (PLA)

Program Level Agreement (PDF, 590.7 KB)



We don't provide references or referees, but Statements of Service.

Applying for a Statement of Service

Form: Application for a Statement of Service (DOCX, 315.6 KB)

Roles and responsibilities

Key management and delivery roles and their responsibilities



Authorised signatories for DCJ contracts and other legal documents

Statements of Service

Applying for a Statement of Service

Form: Application for a Statement of Service (DOCX, 315.6 KB)


Subcontracting; includes requirements for obtaining consent to subcontract

DCJ interest in service provider working arrangements; also available as an A3 infographic (PDF, 199.2 KB)



Unspent funds

Unspent funds

For annual accountability:



Protecting whistleblowers — responsibilities of funded service providers

Work health and safety

Under the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011, DCJ and its officers have a duty to verify that funded service providers, so far as is reasonably practicable:

  • are ensuring the health and safety of workers they engage, and
  • that the health and safety of other persons is not put at risk from work carried out.

DCJ may, from time to time, ask service providers questions about work health and safety compliance as a part of annual accountability.

Last updated:

16 Dec 2024